Installing Storm Protection On Your Windows

Posted on: 19 November 2019

Protecting your windows during a large storm like a hurricane is something that people often forget about until there is the threat of a storm in their area. If you own a home in a part of the country that is prone to large storms, there are some items that you may want to consider to protect your home in the event of a large storm. 

Impact-Resistant Windows

Storm protection for your windows is sometimes more about the window than anything else. If you are looking for a durable window that will ride out a hurricane or another major storm, one thing to consider is an impact-resistant glass or storm protection window. The window will be extremely durable and will protect the occupants of your home if you can fit these into your budget. 

Often these windows are custom-made, so contact the window company of your choice and ask the employees there what the options are for your home. They will give you a price based on the number of windows in your home and what level of protection you need.

Storm Shutters

The most common form of protection for the windows in your home is storm shutters. Unlike the shutters you see on homes that are decorative, storm shutters are made of steel and often look more like security gates than traditional shutters.

When you have a storm threat in the area, the shutters are closed until after the storm has passed, protecting a window's glass and frame from flying debris and sudden changes in storm pressure. 

Installation and Operation

There are several kinds of storm shutters you can get for your home. Most are installed outside the home and do not require a lot of effort to close. The outdoor shutters have a crank handle on them that allows you to roll the shutter open or closed very quickly.

Another option for your storm shutters is to have an electric motor added to the shutters so that you can deploy the shutters from inside the house and not have to deal with rushing around in the rain and cold to lower them. 

Blend Them In

Whether you are using impact-resistant glass or a storm shutter of some kind, painting the shutter or the windows frames to blend in with the rest of the house makes them far more attractive. If they are installed properly, you may not even be able to see that the windows are prepped for the next big storm. 

For more information, contact a company that provides storm protection windows.
